Friday 1 November 2013

Amazing Inside Poster: Written Response

Within my poster I used the elements/principles of design to present my school (Lakeshore Collegiate Institute) as a school that is excellent and fun. I used shape/line within my piece creatively by having bending and twisting lines that branch out from the centre of my poster. This design was used to not only draw the viewer's eye to a colour that is not repeated  anywhere else on the poster, and also the fact that it blooms outwards from the middle of the page to draw your eye there first. Immediately after you see the red line/shape image in the centre of my poster, your eye follows the line until you see the school logo in black just behind the lines. This draws your eye to what is important and shows the viewer that we belong with this awesome shape/line combination because we are "amazing inside". I chose to use the student with the whited out face as my background layer because I wanted the person to be rather generic yet have this amazing thing blossoming from within him/her. I placed the text at the top right-hand corner and the "Amazing Inside" logo in the bottom left-hand corner to balance out each side of the piece and also to create a sense of unity. I am rather satisfied with the final product, it looks decent, it draws your eye to the right place, it has all the information about our school open house. I think I did a pretty good job of communicating everything I had to communicate for this assignment.